Individuals Create Culture

  • Every organization arrives at a point where the individuals in it understand how important it is to become valuable to other people. It doesn’t have to be related to their business.
  • People are not loyal to businesses or slogans; you can only be loyal to a person. Customers weren’t loyal to Chevrolet; they were loyal to Joe Girard.
  • Most salespeople are focused on selling one product to one person without considering multiple sales down the road.
  • Why did Joe Girard’s cards make such a difference?
    1. No one else was doing it.
    2. It was personal.
    3. Joe liked them (them being his customers).
  • If you want to have a friend, be a friend.
  • In a recent study of more than 200,000 employees from more than 500 companies, 90% declared company culture to be vital to the success of a company. Only 15% said that their company’s culture was where it needed to be.
  • Employee satisfaction directly impacts productivity.
  • “Contented cows give better milk.”
  • Company culture is more than an executive talking point.
  • Culture is how a small market team can defeat a major market team.
  • Corporate executives can dictate a lot of things, but they can’t dictate a culture. Culture is created by individuals joining together and creating.
  • 7 attributes Andy has seen in his most successful clients: 
  1. There is a profound sense of humor shared throughout the organization.  No one is looking for an opportunity to be offended…they are looking to laugh.  The BEST can take a joke. 
  2. Each individual situation that comes up is treated as its own, contingent upon varying factors.  The BEST are flexible and engaged in each situation so that the best decision can be made at that time.
  3. They don’t allow gossiping or negative energy.  If a team member is talking to another team member about a problem that the second team member cannot solve, the first team member is spreading negative energy.  This is a firing offense because these organizations do not spend time trying to make bad apples good.  The BEST understands that one bad apple can spoil the whole barrel.    
  4. They believe that if it won’t matter in 5 hours, 5 days, 5 weeks, 5 months or 5 years, let it go and don’t worry about it.  Problems–even big ones–are temporary.  The BEST knows deep down inside that every problem comes to pass – never to stay.
  5. They understand that culture is created by how we think. The BEST know that to change results, first, we must change our thinking. 
  6. They are purposeful about allowing humility to shape their culture.  Especially at the top.  King Solomon wrote that a haughty spirit leads to a fall, but pride comes before destruction.  The BEST at building the most effective corporate culture understand that distinction.   The BEST understands that one can get up after a fall…but from destruction, there is no recovery.
  7. Words matter.  Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words…are far more powerful.  Whether used for good or bad, their effects can last forever.  The BEST are careful with their words and demand the same from their teams.