- Books are derivative and repetitive
- Books are stumbling blocks
- Almost all books never include the actual application process
- Almost all books exclude the very people it applies to
- Andy almost never uses the word “leadership” because of these things
Principles of Leadership
- He includes the principles of leadership instead of regurgitating the same words from every leadership book
- Quotes Patton with “the most important quality of a leader is the willingness to make choices”
- Might be good for a military leader who decides how and when and who goes into a battle, calculating loss vs win etc,
- Think about your qualities of leadership and being aware and applying them will affect your destiny, recognize and understand your leadership traits
Natural Leadership – to desire the best lives for others
- So are you a natural leader? Yes, everyone is
- Leadership is relating beliefs and convictions to others through your energy and sticking to your convictions
- EX: with friends and someone asks which restaurant? Everyone replies they don’t care. One person speaks up and that’s where they go. Why?
- Everyone likes this person and they had the guts to speak up
- EX: with friends and someone asks which restaurant? Everyone replies they don’t care. One person speaks up and that’s where they go. Why?
- We all have the desire for our friends and families to live their best lives
- We offer them sound advice to influence them to make good choices about their lives
- The very essence of leadership is to lead people in a certain direction and the desire to see good for others
- We need an ever-increasing amount of influence to achieve our desires
- We need to understand how others think and encourage each other first
- What kind of home do we want to create for our customers?
- One with highly energetic, kind, helpful people or the opposite?
Harnessing Your Leadership
- Needs two things:
- One: perspective about yourself
- Two: likeability
- This increases your influence
- Provides a platform for what you have learned
- You can have all the right answers, but if no one likes you, your answers don’t matter
Be the leaders your family, friends and customers deserve.