The culture your team displays on a daily basis is who you really are.
Your culture contains the highest degree of power to change any situation that exists.
Your culture determines your future.
Your thinking is like a gun.
It’s a tool.
It can be used to feed your family, but it can be dangerous if you don’t point it in a safe direction.
It has to be checked occasionally.
We’re living in uncertain times. How do we deal with the uncertainty of all that’s happening right now?
Answer: The same way we dealt with the uncertainty before the uncertainty that’s happening right now.
Do you have a bad doctor?
Everyone answers “no” to this question.
This is untrue because 50% of doctors in America are technically below average.
This is true of every industry. There are above average and below average teams. Which one is your team?
America is always either in a recession, coming out of a recession, or headed towards a recession.
A recession is nothing more than a dot on a graph.
Recessions are so common that when 2020 ended, it was the first time in American history that we had started and ended a decade without a recession.
Deep thinking and the deep end of the pool often scare a lot of people.
To be mentally and emotionally prepared for the uncertainty of tomorrow, we must think deeply. To achieve the best, we must know the truth. The truth can be found where most people never dare to go: the bottom of the pool.
Most people are convinced to see things in one of two ways (they are the same ways we see things at our doctor):
With blinders on: everything is fine.
Exactly how the news media presents them: everything is bad.
The truth is only ever revealed to those who understand both sides of the graph.
More families made fortunes during the great depression than in any other time in history. The Walt Disney Company started right as the Great Depression hit.
Charles Spaulding utilized sales and marketing expertise as well as great energy to motivate employees and grow the North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company during the Great Depression.
Knowing where the dot on the graph is for our industry, where do you choose to be?
You really do get to choose.
Since most people don’t choose, if you do choose, you’ll be on the right side of the graph.
When storms come into our lives, simply choose to stay on the court.
When business gets tougher, the rules don’t change; the people do.
When times get tough, we will choose to do what others will not. We will run the court anyway.