We have already established that belief controls behavior.
We examined the positive and negative power can affect an individual
Today we will examine the process of choosing what to believe and make it stick
Critical component to living a successful life
We have to learn to actively choose what we believe
Will most likely need to reprogram your brain - examples
Most of your beliefs have been shaped by others: parents, teachers, movies, media, friends
You will never amount to anything without a degree
You’re forgetful, lazy, not the kind of person people are drawn to, etc.
Confirmation of the power of self-fulfilling prophecy
Each experiment began with teachers being told they had teaching excellence and they would be assigned gifted students, teachers would use the same curriculum they always have but would outperform other teachers and students, they couldn’t tell anyone of the experiment
They performed better than anyone in the district
Teachers and students were randomly selected
Russian weight lifter beat the Olympic record simply through belief
Belief can change everything
What beliefs can you change?
What beliefs do you have about your family, friends?
What beliefs do you have about your career, boating industry?
What if we lived in a world with no limitations?
How do we move from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset?