Andy Andrews | Begin Again
January 7th, 2022
This is the time of decision, time to begin again. Even if it feels like your back to where you began, you’re not, you have gained experience and are not the same. If last year wasn’t your best – take a mulligan. Take the gift stroke with no penalty.
In the context of everyday life, take the mulligan when you can. Golfers believe that the first shot never occurred, but the truth is the first shot just wasn’t recorded. Because it did actually occur, experience was gained and the shot can be adjusted for a better shot.
If this doesn’t apply to you and you had an awesome year, be encouraged to listen to the message again and choose a different perspective…
Take a mulligan on the past, today is the day I begin again, but today I will begin my quest as a different person, with everything I have learned from last year. I will begin again with the knowledge and skill with which I ended last year and this year will be even greater than ever.
While you may have done the best you can do, you have not done the best that can be done.